GamaLearn and the MOE Egypt: A Story of Exceptional Digital Assessment Experience

GamaLearn and the MOE Egypt: A Story of Exceptional Digital Assessment Experience

With more than 11 million exams across Egypt, “GamaLearn” offers an exceptional digital assessment experience. The Ministry of Education in Egypt, in cooperation with “GamaLearn”, completed with remarkable success the end of the second-semester exams at the level of the first and second grades and included 11 million and 509 thousand and 744 test sessions, which were held according to the necessary precautions. The system did not witness any leakage cases due to the availability of modern technologies that prevent this.

The success of this experiment is a crowning certificate for all the governorates of Egypt and for everyone who contributed to this exceptional experience.

GamaLearn has provided all the digital exams that took place in the country through the SwiftAssess platform, which has proven in numbers the efficiency of the platform in the success of the educational process.

Thus, Egypt has today a complete digital examination system and technological infrastructure and infrastructure in public schools that operate with 100% efficiency. Thanks to the constructive cooperation with the company “GamaLearn”. In the same context, the “SwiftAssess” platform was well-received by technology development officials at the Ministry of Education and Technical Education.

As a start, the ministry called on grade 10 and 11 students to prepare to take the pilot tests digitally via tablets.

33 practice tests were held, with the aim of preparing students for the basic and final exams. SwiftAssess platform succeeded in simulating the final exams with remarkable success by preparing various exams, its distinguished question banks, and security settings.

Several students faced some challenges during the testing period, and they were investigated by the GamaLearn team and the Ministry team with the help of a number of teachers present in the schools. With SwiftAssess, and after more awareness was raised about the topic, the students did not face any challenges and the trial exams ended with a high success rate (98.78%).

After several consecutive exams that lasted two months, the Ministry of Education announced the completion of the submission of final exams through the SwiftAssess platform due to the high level provided by the platform.

Through platform technologies, it is difficult to leak or photograph exams; As the exam pages are printed with watermarks specific to each student, and they can detect the student and the school in minutes if they are photographed and published on social media platforms, and they do not allow the student to enter the Internet and the exam is on the school’s internal server.

Behind this achievement lies an integrated team of experts from GamaLearn, the National Center of Examination, the Information technology team in the Ministry, Microsoft, and many other support teams in the field who have done a lot to get this work done and pledged themselves to overcome difficulties for all and provide assistance to all students in different governorates.

Statistics and numbers

  • Total number of targeted examinees: 1.3 million students
  • The total number of examinees who attended all exams: 11.5 million students
  • The highest attendance for one test day: 99.97% on May 22 and 24
  • Average student attendance for all exams: 98.78%
  • Number of participating governorates: 27 governorates
  • Number of exam periods: two periods (morning and evening)
  • Number of exam days: 22 days

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