GamaLearn Joins Forces with the e-Assessment Association: Expanding Reach, Building Alliances, and Driving Innovation in Assessment

GamaLearn Joins Forces with the e-Assessment Association: Expanding Reach, Building Alliances, and Driving Innovation in Assessment

GamaLearn Joins Forces with the e-Assessment Association: Expanding Reach, Building Alliances, and Driving Innovation in Assessment

The e-Assessment Association (eAA for short) is a non-profit organization that aims to promote the use of technology in assessment and examination. It was founded with the aim of providing a platform for professionals, experts and stakeholders in the field of assessment to exchange ideas and knowledge, and to create a community that fosters innovation and collaboration. These can be illustrated in the following goals:

  • To provide professional support and facilitate debate and discussion for people involved in this field of expertise
  • Create and communicate the positive contributions that technology makes to all forms of assessment
  • To develop statements of good practice for suppliers and consumers of e-Assessment technologies

Partnering with the e-Assessment Association offers numerous benefits to its members. Firstly, it provides a platform for networking and connecting with professionals from around the world who are passionate about assessment and examination. Members can access a wealth of knowledge and expertise from industry leaders and experts, and can participate in workshops, webinars, and conferences to keep up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in the field.

Secondly, being a member of the e-Assessment Association provides a seal of approval and a stamp of credibility. It demonstrates to clients, customers and stakeholders that an organization is dedicated to the highest standards of quality and expertise in the assessment field. It also shows a commitment to ethical and professional practices, and a willingness to contribute to the advancement of the industry as a whole.

We are proud to announce that GamaLearn, the owner and maker of the assessment platform “SwiftAssess“, has become an official sponsor and member of the e-Assessment Association. This strategic move further cements GamaLearn’s commitment to providing high-quality and innovative assessment solutions and demonstrates its dedication to advancing the industry.

Becoming a sponsor and member of the e-Assessment Association is a significant step for GamaLearn, as it not only allows the company to tap into a wealth of knowledge and expertise, but also provides it with a platform to showcase its thought leadership in the assessment industry. This partnership will enable GamaLearn to reach a wider audience, expand its reach, and further establish itself as a leader in the field.

In conclusion, partnering with the e-Assessment Association provides numerous benefits for organizations operating in the assessment field. It provides a platform for networking and knowledge-sharing and demonstrates a commitment to ethical and professional practices. GamaLearn’s partnership with the e-Assessment Association is a strategic move that will allow the company to expand its reach and further establish itself as a thought leader in the assessment industry.

Stay tuned for upcoming announcements, events and more as part of this partnership! Mark your calendars for the upcoming International e-Assessment Conference.

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