Launching Digital Exams Transformation in MES - Malaysia

Launching Digital Exams Transformation in MES – Malaysia

Malaysian Examination Syndicate (MES) 
launches the digital examination transformation in partnership with GamaLearn and the national exam department by facilitating two math exams for real users.

MES used SwiftAssess for creating, designing, and managing the exams which were delivered in two options, the offline digital exam, and the SmartPaper. The platform allows students who are using machines to answer questions with or without an internet connection. It also supports the SmartPaper exams which lets the students answer the exam question on a paper that gets scanned and auto-graded by the platform.

The GamaLearn team and the National Exams Department cooperated together in creating the questions, creating exams and designing them, approving them, and then worked on the operations of doing both digital and paper exams.

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